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A man who is drenched is not afraid of rain. Grandfather's wisdom that changed my journey.
Posted on: 2024-10-28There was a time when my nightly routine involved going to sleep at 1:40 A.M. when the last train left and waking up at 4:40 A.M. when the first train arrived. I was spending my nights at the railway station, and it was one of the toughest phases of my life. As a trained actor and a gold medalist from drama school, I found myself questioning the path I had chosen.
During this difficult time, I reached out to my grandfather, seeking guidance. I asked, "Dadaji, why am I going through such a tough time? I just want to go back to Shimla."
His response was a game-changer: "Beta, you’ve worked so hard to get where you are, and your parents have also supported you. Remember one thing, `Bheega hua aadmi baarish se nahi darta`” (A man who is drenched is not afraid of rain.)
That`s when it hit me - I was already drenched, so what was I afraid of now?
This timeless piece of advice from my grandfather has profoundly shifted my perspective. It taught me the value of resilience and the strength that adversity can build within us. I realized that challenges are an integral part of our journey, shaping us into stronger, more capable individuals.
Throughout my career, I`ve faced numerous storms, but I`ve learned to embrace them with open arms, understanding that each challenge is an opportunity for growth. I`m grateful for the wisdom my grandfather shared and for the life lessons that have come my way.
I encourage you to find inspiration in the challenges you face. They can be the stepping stones to your greatest achievements!